Eastern Coyotes
Western Numbers
Most high-numbers coyote men are out West, and adapting their methods and locations to the East can be challenging at best. Our instruction at Coyote U will fill a void that's been left open for far too long!

Our locations, weather, equipment and regulation limitations cannot be replicated outside our region. If you don't have the luxury of trapping in the West, you can still take coyotes by the numbers. Coyote U can help you become a One Percenter right here in your backyard.
2024 Convention Schedule
Instruction Basics
Some of the basics you will learn during your 2½ days of instruction at Coyote U in central New York include:
• High production methods
• Set location formulas
• Fast and successful sets
• Bait and lure usage
• Trapline dog use
• Fast fur handling
• Marketing low quality pelts for the  
  highest returns
• And much,much more!
The Pipe Dream Set for Canines - Free, Complete Instructions Online!
Mark Zagger
Coyote U
I’ll be the first to admit that the success of a dirthole set is undisputed, and the flat set is quite effective in the right circumstances. But the fact that the trap must be bedded in and covered with dirt creates complications when the weather deteriorates.

The rain and freezing temps common on fall canine lines can dramatically increase time spent on maintenance, and limit the amount of traps you can keep functioning. Keeping a canine line operating in these conditions can be hard work indeed.

I started taking a hard look at conventional setting methods, with several basic goals: simplifying sets and materials, increasing set making speed, keeping sets functional despite weather, and reducing set maintenance.

One obvious weak point was the dirthole itself. It took time to dig even in good soil (rocky and frozen ground makes effective dirthole building all but impossible), and the hole often filled with water during rain or snow events.
According to Zagger . . .
What's Needed?

• One trap
• A steel screen pan
• One handful of
  dried grass
• A 10-inch piece of
  wiring conduit
• Bait or lure
Copyright 2017-23 - Mark Zagger
All Rights Reserved
Website by Hawk Mountain

Eastern Coyotes A to Z
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According to Zagger
The Original Pipe Dream Set
Now On YouTube!
Mark Zagger of Coyote U, originator of the Pipe Dream Set, takes you on the trapline and explains this 'go to' canine set for all types of weather.
Join Coyote U YouTube Channel
Also on our Channel, listen to trapping related interviews with Mark Zagger and Clint Locklear, and the Trapping Across America interview. Always be notified if a new video is published by subscribing to our channel! And don't forget to keep up-to-date with us on Facebook as well!
Join us on Facebook
We will attend the following events this year. We invite you to watch our demo and visit our booth with any questions you may have.

Conventions TBA

Class Schedule
Now taking reservations for weekend of April 20-22, 2024, and September 28-30, 2024.